Thursday 13 September 2012

Haiku and Limerick's


The frogs stop croaking
Early sunsets creep inward
Winter is coming...


There once was a boy with no luck
Whose only friend was a duck
They used to take walks
And have very long talks
They also would play in the muck

The haiku is a form of poetry, originating in japan, it follows a simple set of poetic rules. Three lines, that do not rhyme, and of course there is a syllable count for each line of the poem. First line must have 5 syllables, is no more no less, the second must have 7 syllables and the third mirrors the first with 5 syllables. Haiku's normally make mention to nature and allude to one or more seasons. The form of a haiku influences the content in many ways because of the brevity of the poem the poet has to find a simple yet effect way of conveying their message to the audience using only three lines and 17 syllables. 

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