Thursday 1 November 2012

Book Review

The Hunger Games:
  The Capital is in control, districts are starving and its reaping day. As punishment for a rebellion, against the capital, the districts must put one boy and one girl, between the ages of 12 and 18, to fight to the death in a game known as the Hunger Games. We are introduced to Katniss, a girl of 16 who, since her father died has been taking care of her family and supporting them since she was young. In a whirl wind Katniss's sister, Prim, is chosen for the Hunger Games. Immediately Katniss jumps in a takes her sisters place, but can she hope to survive against trained fighters? And what about her fellow male, Peeta, a boy who saved Katniss's life in a time of great hardship, will she be able to kill him when the time comes or is there some deeper feelings that will change everything?
  This book has everything needed to make an instant hit. It has drama, a bad guy, a heroin and love. Suzanne Collins has captured all the right emotions and pieces to put an amazing book on the shelves for readers to enjoy. The plot development is flawless, the characters are strong and put together. You can not put the book down. For someone who has almost come out of the blue Collins has written a heart wrench-er of a book.You understand everything that is going on with each character. You can easily connect and find likeness with each person in the book. The plot is suspenseful and full of twists and turns. Defiantly worth a read even if you don't like reading.

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