Thursday 1 November 2012

The Nightly News


Breaking news to report to you today folks. Dr. Hull, of the Institution of Space Robotics, has just announced the discovery of a secret which could change the face of history forever! Dr. Hull speculates that he has unlocked the elusive formula that would aid scientists to break through the heat barrier and explore the sun! I am here now with the man of the hour Dr. Hull, how did you make such a discovery? 
 Dr. Hull: 
"Well you see it was just like every other Thursday afternoon for me a my colleges. After the morning was spent playing xbox we decided to reward ourselves, beating a high score in Halo 3 isn't easy you know. We took a walk around the corner to a quaint little Chinese eatery. Like always I order the beef and broccoli with chicken balls, a personal favorite of mine I might add. A short time later we were done our lunch and headed back to the lab, of course to settle down and play more Halo. Upon returning to the lab we decided to first read our fortune cookies.. A little fun before the grueling work ahead. Inside my fortune cookie was just two words... Use water. My colleges and I were at a lost as to what it meant. We racked our brain for hours! For surely these two words must mean something extraordinary! We spent all night thinking it over and over until it finally came to me! We had been examining how to land on the sun just last week, we had decided it was impossible but could we have been wrong? Could some divine being have intervened and shown us the way? We thought it probable and therefore set to work on the calculations. After this I am pleased to announce that in three days NASA will be sending myself up in a space craft to attempt the first landing on the sun! 

 There you have it folks! One of the worlds greatest secrets cracked wide open like a chocolate egg at Easter. Right here in Florida using nothing but the great minds of these few scientists and a fortune cookie. God Bless America! Good night!

Meme! :)

Book Review

The Hunger Games:
  The Capital is in control, districts are starving and its reaping day. As punishment for a rebellion, against the capital, the districts must put one boy and one girl, between the ages of 12 and 18, to fight to the death in a game known as the Hunger Games. We are introduced to Katniss, a girl of 16 who, since her father died has been taking care of her family and supporting them since she was young. In a whirl wind Katniss's sister, Prim, is chosen for the Hunger Games. Immediately Katniss jumps in a takes her sisters place, but can she hope to survive against trained fighters? And what about her fellow male, Peeta, a boy who saved Katniss's life in a time of great hardship, will she be able to kill him when the time comes or is there some deeper feelings that will change everything?
  This book has everything needed to make an instant hit. It has drama, a bad guy, a heroin and love. Suzanne Collins has captured all the right emotions and pieces to put an amazing book on the shelves for readers to enjoy. The plot development is flawless, the characters are strong and put together. You can not put the book down. For someone who has almost come out of the blue Collins has written a heart wrench-er of a book.You understand everything that is going on with each character. You can easily connect and find likeness with each person in the book. The plot is suspenseful and full of twists and turns. Defiantly worth a read even if you don't like reading.

Friday 26 October 2012

Spatial Poetry

                                                                       sway, c, sway
 sway,sway, h,sway, sway
sway, sway, sway, o, sway, sway,sway
    sway,sway,sway,sway, p, sway, sway, sway, sway 
 sway, sway, sway, sway,sway, c, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway
sway, sway, sway, sway, sway,sway, h, sway, sway, sway,sway,sway,sway 
sway, sway, sway. sway, sway, sway, sway, o, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway
sway, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway, p, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway
Tree's grow, tree's fall. Tree's grow, tree's fall. Tree's grow, tree's fall. Tree's grow, tree's fall. Tree's grow.

Thursday 11 October 2012


Hug O'War
I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.
-Shel Silverstein

I will not play at war
I will play hug instead
Everyone hug
Do not tug
Where giggles, rolls on rugs
kisses, grins, cuddles and wins
I will not play at war
-Abigail Ricketts

Sunday 30 September 2012

Poetic Inquiry


My sanctuary, my world, my room
how much time do we spend here?
in the comfort of my room so many things transpire 
Its nice to be alone.
The comfiest place you will ever sleep 
 your own bed
Can anything compare?
What is it that you can not get anywhere else?
Hotels, friends house's,
never as comfy as your own 

A place of work
play, and creativity  
all things into one.
Can you get as much work done anywhere else?
Its not tidy everyday 
but its always just right for us 
Your room, 
nothing better 
nothing worse 
just right for you

Friday 21 September 2012

Modern Poetry: Song

Friday I'm in Love- The Cure

I don't care if Monday's blue

Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love

Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate...

I don't care if Mondays black
Tuesday, Wednesday - heart attack
Thursday, never looking back
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday, you can hold your head
Tuesday, Wednesday stay in bed
Or Thursday - watch the walls instead
It's Friday, I'm in love

Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate...

Dressed up to the eyes
It's a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throwing out your frown
And just smiling at the sound
And as sleek as a shriek
Spinning round and round
Always take a big bite
It's such a gorgeous sight
To see you eat in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It's Friday, I'm in love

I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love

Friday I'm in Love by The Cure uses form in their song to really get a point across the repetition of the last line in each stanza "Its Friday, I'm in love". Besides a few comas and ellipsis' there is no punctuation in the form. I believe this makes the poetic syntax "enjambed" because the sentences move through the lines of the poem. The refrain or chorus, as musicians call it, in this song the chorus is no more then the last line of every stanza but still it makes the point quiet clear for the listener. The point of this song is that the speaker does not care for any of the other days of the week, it's Friday that really holds the heart of the speaker.  The rhyme scheme of this poem is one that is unusual in poetic form, in each quatrain (stanza with 4 lines) the first 3 lines rhyme with one another and the last is repeated in each stanza. In the overly large 7th stanza the rhyme scheme stays with three lines rhyming and then changed. 

There can be an argument made for personification in this song, because the speaker never references and girl or boy just "you" one could say he was giving the emotions of "blue" or "grey" to the days of the week. There is a use of metonymy as well using "blue" to substitute the emotion of sadness. The imagery of the line "throwing out your frown" is well done because even though its just someone becoming happy you can visualize a person grabbing a frown off their face and flicking it away. These are just some of the stylistic elements shown in this song. 

The content of the song is one that most everyone can agree on, Friday is the best day of the week. Monday's have always been seen as the worst because of the fact that it is the first day of work in a week. Tuesday is almost equally as monstrous due to the fact that we still has to work. Wednesday is hump day which makes it slightly better but still not good. Thursday's are sometimes unbearable because you are so close to Friday but not there. Saturday is nice but you can feel the weekend slipping away. Last but not least Sunday is saddening because Monday follows. It is a social commodity to discuss the days of the week. A look into the deeper meaning of this song it seems to be about a guy or girl who doesn't really care much for his/her love interest until the weekend comes and there is something to do. In the song the weekdays you get a sense the speaker doesn't care what the other person does but is in love every Friday. I enjoy the song because it makes light of the time each of us spend daily thinking about the weekend and how coveted Friday is to all of us, but also has a meaning hidden inside that many people would skim over.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Haiku and Limerick's


The frogs stop croaking
Early sunsets creep inward
Winter is coming...


There once was a boy with no luck
Whose only friend was a duck
They used to take walks
And have very long talks
They also would play in the muck

The haiku is a form of poetry, originating in japan, it follows a simple set of poetic rules. Three lines, that do not rhyme, and of course there is a syllable count for each line of the poem. First line must have 5 syllables, is no more no less, the second must have 7 syllables and the third mirrors the first with 5 syllables. Haiku's normally make mention to nature and allude to one or more seasons. The form of a haiku influences the content in many ways because of the brevity of the poem the poet has to find a simple yet effect way of conveying their message to the audience using only three lines and 17 syllables. 

Friday 7 September 2012


Hello Everyone,
  I thought for my first post I would tell you a bit about myself, I was born and raised in St. John's NL. That being said I am very much a "townie" in every sense of the word! I have one sibling, my younger sister of two years, and a dog. I listen to all kinds of music but lately have been drifting towards the style of indie pop. Some of my favorite books include, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray, The Game of Thrones series by George R.R. Martin and Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin. As you can see there is a main focus towards slightly period type books.
  With movies I kind of draw a blank, I've seen so many that they mostly blend together, I love Grease and Footloose. Any heart warming, feel good story really. I hate horror films! I can not sit through any of the Exorcisms or Paranormal Activity. It is a big problem for my friends who love these kinds of films and most of the time I get dragged along.
  I played volleyball and basketball for 6 years before giving them up in level 3. I have taken voice lessons for 10 years and am in a choir directed by my voice teacher, I play the piano and the guitar as well. In highschool I was involved in many social justice groups in my school such as war child, YAC and others. I think volunteering is very important with all the poverty and suffering in the world, people like myself who are so well off should always look for ways to help!
 I am currently pursing a double major in English and Law and Society, after that I would love to go on to do the Law program at Dalhousie University. During highschool I always loved English, it was one of my favorite subjects, but mostly I choose this path because as a lawyer it is vitally important that I am able to write well and also critically think when I am reading other papers or case studies. Most of all during English 1080 I hope to improve the fluidity of my writing and my grammar.

Thanks for reading! Talk to you all soon!